
Meshach, a BLM (Bureau of Land Management) donkey, came to the ranch with another very sick Donkey who we named Noah. The pair were rescued by their previous elderly owners, but due to death in the family, the pair were in dire need of rescue, yet again. When Meshach and Noah arrived, it was obvious Noah was very ill and in need of great medical attention. Noah was much older, and Meshach was no older than 5. Meshach was untouchable. We couldn’t get near him without him turning his back end toward us and threatening a kick. He lacked confidence. Meshach really looked and leaned on Noah as his security and confidence but as Noah’s health declined, Meshach found himself alone without his partner to protect him. Once Noah passed away, our work began……showing Meshach love and how to trust a human. We continue to teach him new skills, and he is absolutely flourishing. He seeks out love and touch. He desires to go for walks, and he is on his way soon, to being ready to work with children. We are so excited and in love with Meshach and his desire to grow in the program. He is a true testimony of if someone takes the time to mentor another and bestow the confidence, the outcome for that child, or donkey in this case, can change their outlook on who they will become. You can be a life changer.